Medical Document Translation

There are many types of medical documents which require translation. These include documents such as:

  1. Medical articles and journals
  2. Packaging and labeling information
  3. Data sheets & Research papers
  4. Clinical protocols and trial agreements
  5. Marketing materials such as brochures, Corporate Websites and Portals
  6. Manufacturing documentation and process descriptions
  7. Patient registries, information and reported outcomes
  8. Contracts & Informed consent forms
  9. Questionnaires
  10. Treatment guidelines
  11. Operating instructions
  12. Psychiatric reports
  13. Case Report Forms (CRF)
  14. Patient Information
  15. Pharmacological Studies
  16. Production Manuals, Dossiers & Protocols
  17. Drug Registration Documentation
  18. Instructions for Use
  19. Regulatory Audits and Regulatory Documents
  20. Manufacturing Process Descriptions
  21. SAE and SOP Procedures
  22. Master Batch Records and Deviation Reports
  23. Medical Software and Hardware
  24. Multimedia audio and visual
  25. Toxicology Reports

Below are translation of common words used in the medical field for 7 most popular global languages Spanish, French, Arabic, Portuguese, German, Italian and Japanese.

Spanish Language English Language
la salud Health
la enfermedad illness
el dolor de cabeza headache
el resfriado cold
el estornudo sneeze
el inhalador inhaler
el asma asthma
la nausea nausea
la varicela chickenpox
la aplopejia stroke
la diabetes diabetes
vomitar vomit
la epilepsia epilepsy
el dolor de estomago stomach ache
la infeccion infection
la alergia allergy
la presion arterial blood pressure
French Language English Language
la sante Health
la maladie illness
le mal de tete headache
la toux cough
le rhume cold
la fievre fever
l’asthme asthma
les crampes cramps
la nausee nausea
l’eruption rash
l’urgence emergency
l’attaque stroke
le diabete diabetes
le refroidissement chill
vomir vomit
Arabic Language English Language
aS-SiHHa Health
SudaaA headache
kuHHa cough
rabw asthma
julTa stroke
daa’ as-sukkaree diabetes
SaraA epilepsy
DaghT dam blood pressure
alam bil-baTn stomach ache
Aadwaa infection
Hassaaseeya allergy
nawba qalbeeya heart attack
Tabeeb doctor
Portuguese Language English Language
a saude Health
a dor de cabeca headache
a febre fever
as colicas cramps
a nausea nausea
a diabetes diabetes
a epilepsia epilepsy
a infeccao infection
a alergia allergy
a tensao arterial blood pressure
o enfarte do miocardio heart attack
o virus virus
desmaiar faint
a enxaqueca migraine
o medico doctor
o medidor de tensao arterial blood pressure gauge
German Language English Language
die Gesundheit Health
die Kopfschmerzen headache
der Arzt doctor
der Blutdruckmesser blood pressure gauge
das Thermometer thermometer
die Fraktur fracture
der Unfall accident
die erste Hilfe first aid
das Krankenhaus hospital
der Chirurg surgeon
der Operationssaal operating room
der Zahnarzt dentist
Italian Language English Language
la salute Health
il pronto soccorso first aid
gli occhiali da sole sunglasses
gli occhiali glasses
la gravidanza pregnancy
Japanese Language English Language
kenkō Health
zutsū headache
isha doctor
ketsuatsukei blood pressure gauge
taionkei thermometer
kossetsu fracture
jiko accident
ōkyū teate first aid
byōin hospital
geka-i surgeon
shujutsu-shitsu operating room
haisha dentist
sangurasu sunglasses
megane glasses
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