German Legal Translation

Clarity and precision is of utmost importance when translating legal documents as a trivial mistake can lead to major consequences. We understand the importance of accuracy and the sensitive nature required when translating any documents for use in legal disputes, litigation, criminal proceedings and arbitration.

German Legal Translation

We translate all specialism of law, including, but not limited to, insurance law, employment law, civil law, criminal law and commercial law. We translate contracts, articles of association, case bundles, witness statements and all other related texts. Our team of German legal experts, who have been working in this field for years, carry out a thorough and scrupulous process to ensure accuracy in providing exactly what you require.

German along with Afrikaans, English, Dutch, Scots and Frisian, belong to West Germanic family of languages. The common feature which all these languages share are the many common lexemes, which is a unit of lexical meaning that exists regardless of the number of inflectional endings. Widely spoken in Central Europe, German is the co-official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol (Italy), the German-speaking Community of Belgium and Liechtenstein. It is also one of the three official languages of Luxembourg.

Below are German to English translations of some common terms used in Law.

English Language German Language
 law  das Recht
 lawyer  der Rechtsanwalt
 judge  der Richter
 courtroom  der Gerichtssaal
 bailiff  der Gerichtsdiener
 witness  der Zeuge
 jury  die Geschworenen
 jury box  die Geschworenen bank
 prosecution  die Staatsanwaltschaft
 court clerk  der Protokollführer
 summons  die Vorladung
 writ  die Verfügung
 court case  der Rechtsfall
 stenographer  der Gerichtsstenograf
 suspect  der Verdächtige
 defendant  der Angeklagte
 defense  die Verteidigung
 criminal  der Straftäter
 criminal record  das Strafregister
 prison guard  der Gefängniswärter
 prison  das Gefängnis
 cell  die Gefängniszelle
 evidence  das Beweismittel
 bail  die Kaution
 verdict  das Urteil
 acquitted  freigesprochen
 appeal  die Berufung
 parole  die Haftentlassung auf Bewährung
 legal advice  die Rechtsberatung
 court date  der Gerichtstermin
 charge  die Anklage
 client  der Klient
 warrant  der Haftbefehl
 accused  der Angeklagte
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