Spanish food & menu translation services

Translation of food and related sciences need highly experienced translators who understand the food terminology and the fooding industry very well. As quality control, environment and ethical considerations play an important in production and distribution in the food and related industries, it is important to team up with only the best translators. Non compliance in matters related to food, health and safety information will not just lead to severe penalties, but can have a severe detrimental impact on the global reputation of your brand as well. Our professional team of Spanish food translators have in depth knowledge of the food sector. With years of experience they have gathered the necessary skill to deliver not just fast and accurate food translations, but translations that also appeal to the target audience.

We provide high quality, 100% accurate translation services from Spanish to other languages ​​and from other languages ​​into Spanish, at very affordable rates. Languages ​​for which we provide Spanish translation services includes all major languages ​​such as Arabic , Chinese, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Urdu and a number of other languages ​​as well. Our special team of Fench translators consists of native speaking Fench translation experts, who specialize in various industries and have years of experience providing translation services.

We are a leading translation company in London, UK. In addition to Spanish food translation services, we also provide certified translation services , document translation services , interpreting services , legal translation , subtitling services , technical translations and website translation services as well.

The following list has Spanish to English translation of many common words about food.

Spanish Language English Language
the food Food
the meat Meat
the lamb lamb
the butcher butcher
the hook meat hook
the sharpener knife sharpener
the scale scales
the bacon bacon
the sausages sausages
the liver liver
the pig pork
the deer venison
the cold meat cooked meat
Cow beef
Rabbit rabbit
smoked smoked
organic organic
white meat white meat
the veal see
language tongue
cured cured
lean meat lean meat
Red meat red meat
Spanish Language English Language
the cuts Cuts
the ham ham
the crust render
The slice slice
ground beef ground meat
sirloin fillet
the hip steak rump steak
the tenderloin sirloin steak
the rib rib
the chop chop
fat fat
bone bone
the roast joint
the kidney kidney
the heart heart
Spanish Language English Language
the birds Poultry
the skin skin
the breast breast
thigh thigh
the turkey turkey
Leg leg
la codorniz quail
el faisan pheasant
el pollo preparado dressed chicken
el ala wing
el pollo chicken
el pato duck
el ganso goose
Spanish Language English Language
el pescado Fish
la pescaderia fish counter
La Pescaderia Spanish translation of Fish counter
los camarones pelados peeled shrimp
el salmonete red mullet
los filetes de mero halibut fillets
la trucha arco iris rainbow trout
el rape monkfish
la caballa mackerel
la trucha trout
el pez espada swordfish
el lenguado Dover sole
la platija lemon sole
el abadejo haddock
la sardina sardine
la raya skate
la pescadilla whiting
la lubina sea bass
el salmon salmon
el bacalao cod
el besugo sea bream
el atun tuna
Spanish Language English Language
el marisco Seafood
la vieira scallop
el cangrejo crab
la langosta lobster
The lobster Spanish translation of Lobster
el camaron jumbo shrimp
el mejillon mussel
la ostra oyster
la navaja razorshell clam
el cangrejo de rio crayfish
el berberecho cockle
el pulpo octopus
la sepia cuttlefish
el calamar squid
la almeja clam
congelado frozen
salado salted
ahumado smoked
sin escamas scaled
el lomo loin
la cola tail
la espina bone
la escama scale
fresco fresh
limpio cleaned
sin piel skinned
sin espinas boned
en filetes filleted
la rodaja steak
Spanish Language English Language
las verduras Vegetables
la haba fava bean
el ejote runner bean
la semilla seed
el ejote green bean
el chicharo pea
el maiz dulce corn
el germinado de soja bean sprout
el bambu bamboo
el quingombo okra
la endibia chicory
el hinojo fennel
los palmitos palm hearts
el apio celery
la hoja leaf
la cabezuela floret
el tallo stalk
la almendra kernel
la roqueta arugula
el berro watercress
el radicchio radicchio
la col de bruselas Brussels sprouts
la acelga Swiss chard
la col rizada kale
la acedera sorrel
la escarola endive
el diente de leon dandelion
la espinaca spinach
el colinabo kohlrabl
la acelga china bok choy
la lechuga lettuce
el brocoli broccoli
El broccoli Spanish translation of Broccoli
la col cabbage
la berza greens
la alcachofa artichoke
la coliflor cauliflower
la papa potato
la cebolla onion
el pimiento sweet pepper
la chilaca chilli pepper
la calabacita squash
el nabo turnip
el rabano radish
el jitomate cherry cherry tomato
la zanahoria carrot
la raiz del taro taro root
el fruto del pan breadfruit
la mandioca cassava
la papa nueva new potato
la castana de agua water chestnut
el camote sweet potato
el name yam
el betabel beet
la rapa svedese rutabaga
el topinambur jerusalem artichoke
horseradish horseradish
parsnip parsnip
ginger ginger
the eggplant eggplant
the tomato tomato
chives green onion
the leek leek
shallot shallot
garlic garlic
mushroom mushroom
the cucumber cucumber
the zucchini zucchini
the pumpkin butternut squash
acorn squash acorn squash
the pumpkin pumpkin
Spanish Language English Language
Fruit Fruits
the handle mango
avocado avocado
the Peach peach
the Kiwi kiwi fruit
pineapple pineapple
papaya papaya
lychee lychee
the capulin cape gooseberry
the quince fifteen
passion fruit passion fruit
the banana banana
The guava guava
the grenade pomegranate
persimmon persimmon
the feijoa feijoa
The tuna prickly pear
the carambola starfruit
the mangosteen mangosteem
Citrus fruits
Spanish Language English Language
The citrus Citrus fruits
the Orange orange
clementine mandarin clementine
the ugli ugli fruit
the grapefruit grapefruit
Tangerine tangerine
the satsuma mandarin satsuma
Lime lime
the lemon lemon
chinese orange kumquat
Stone fruits
Spanish Language English Language
stone fruit Stone fruits
the Peach peach
nectarine nectarine
the apricot apricot
The plum plum
the cherry cherry
the Apple Manzana
the pear pear
Berries and Melons
Spanish Language English Language
berries and melons Berries and Melons
strawberry strawberry
raspberry raspberry
The blackberry blackberry
currant red currant
cranberry cranberry
black currant black currant
the cranberry blueberry
Raspberry Logan loganberry
the capulin gooseberry
white currant white currant
the melon cantaloupe
the grape grapes
The grape Spanish translation of Grapes
watermelon watermelon
Nuts and Dried fruits
Spanish Language English Language
dried fruits Nuts and Dried fruits
the pinion pine nut
the pistachio pistachio
cashew cashew
The cashew Spanish translation of Cashew
peanut peanut
hazelnut hazelnut
Brazil nut Brazil nut
nut sin
the almond almond
the walnut of Castilla walnut
chestnut chestnut
macadamia macadamia
FIG fig
the date date
prune prune
the sultana raisin seedless raisin
the passes raisin
the corinthian raisin currant
the coconut coconut
El coco Spanish translation of Coconut
toasted roasted
the almond kernel
the candied fruit candied fruit
tropical fruits tropical fruit

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