Spanish and English Translation

We are a leading translation services provider in London, UK. As an expert Spanish and English translation services provider we would like to share with you a collection of 77 Spanish words, along with their English to Spanish sentence translation . We hope you like our collection of Accurate Spanish translations .

    1. the veal chop noun, fem. lamb chop
      There are veal chops for lunch.
      There are lamb chops for dinner.
    2. true [SYER-to] adjective, masc. certain, sure
      certain [SYER-ta] fem.
      Does it come at a certain time?
      Is he coming at a certain hour?
    3. the cigarette [see-ga-REE-lyo, see-ga-REE-yo] noun, masc. cigarette
      It is not good to smoke cigarettes.
      It is not good to smoke cigarettes.
    4. five [SEEN-ko] adjective five
      There are five people in my family.
      There are five persons in my family.
    5. fifty [seen-KUEN-ta] adjective fifty
      There are fifty things in the store.
      There are fifty things in the store.
    6. the tape [SEEN-ta] noun, fem. ribbon
      Margarita wears a pink ribbon in her hair.
      Margaret is wearing a pink ribbon in her hair.
    7. the belt [SEEN-to] noun, masc. belt
      The dress has a black belt.
      The dress has a black belt.
    8. the circus [SEER-ko] noun, masc. circus
      The circus is a lot of fun.
      The circus is very amusing.

The circus is very amusing.

    1. the circle [SEER-ku-lo] noun, masc. circle
      The circle is round.
      The circle is round.
    2. la cita [SEE-ta] noun, fem. appointment
      My sister has an appointment to see the doctor at three in the afternoon.
      My sister has an appointment to see the doctor at 3:00 PM
    3. la ciudad [seeu-DAD] noun, fem. city
      Vivimos en una ciudad muy grande.
      We live in a very large city.
    4. claro[KLA-ro] adjective, masc. clear
      clara[KLA-ra] fem.
      El día está claro.
      The day is clear.
    5. la clase [KLA-se] noun, fem. class
      Me gusta esta clase.
      I like this class.
    6. el clavo[KLA-bo] noun, masc. nail
      La puerta necesita un clavo.
      The door needs a nail.
    7. la cobija [ko-BEE-ja] noun, fem. blanket
      La cobija está en la cama.
      The blanket is on the bed.
    8. el coche[KO-che] noun, masc. carriage, car
      La reina está en el coche.
      The queen is in the carriage.
    9. el coche del bebénoun, masc. baby carriage
      La muñeca está en el coche del bebé.
      The doll is in the baby carriage.
    10. la cochera [ko-CHE-ra] noun, fem. garage
      El auto está en la cochera.
      The automobile is in the garage.
    11. el cochino[ko-CHEE-no] noun, masc. pig
      El cochino siempre tiene hambre.
      The pig is always hungry.
    12. la cocina [ko-SEE-na] noun, fem. kitchen
      La cocina es muy pequeña.
      The kitchen is very small.
    13. cocinar[ko-see-NAR] verb to cook
      ¿Quién cocina todos los días?
      Who cooks every day?
    14. el cohete[ko-E-te] noun, masc. rocket, firework
      El cohete viaja por el espacio.
      The rocket travels through space.

The rocket travels through space.

    1. la col [KOL] noun, fem. cabbage
      Aquí sirven jamón y col.
      They serve cabbage and ham here.
    2. la cola [KO-la] noun, fem. tail
      La cola del perro es corta.
      The dog’s tail is short.
    3. el color[ko-LOR] noun, masc. color
      ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
      What is your favorite color?
    4. el color cafénoun, masc. brown
      Sus ojos son color café.
      Her eyes are brown.
    5. el columpio[ko-LUM-peeo] noun, masc. swing
      Ella se divierte en el columpio.
      She has fun on the swing.
    6. el comedor[ko-me-DOR] noun, masc. dining room
      La familia come en el comedor.
      The family eats in the dining room.
    7. comenzar [ko-men-ZAR] verb to begin
      Todos los días comenzamos una lección nueva.
      Every day we begin a new lesson.
    8. la comida [ko-MEE-da] noun, fem. food, meal
      La comida está en la mesa.
      The food is on the table.
    9. como[KO-mo] conjunction; adverb as
      Ellos hacen como hacen los payasos.
      They do as the clowns do.
    10. ¿Cómo? [KO-mo] interrogative How?
      ¿Cómo está? [KO-mo-es-TA] adverb How are you?
      ¿Cómo estás?
      ¿Cómo está usted, señor Fernández?
      How are you, Mr. Fernández?
    11. cómodo [KO-mo-do] adjective, masc. comfortable
      cómoda [KO-mo-da] fem.
      El sillón es cómodo.
      The chair is comfortable.
    12. la compañía [kom-pa-NYEE-a] noun, fem. company
      Esos señores son de la compañía de galletas.
      Those men are from the cookie company.
    13. compartir [kom-par-TEER] verb to share
      Vamos a compartir el pastel.
      Let’s share the pie.

Let's share the pie.

    1. competir [kom-pe-TEER] verb to compete
      El equipo de nuestra escuela va a competir para ganar el primer premio.
      The team from our school is going to compete to win the first prize.
    2. comportarse [kom-por-TAR-se] verb to behave
      Todo el mundo se comporta bien cuando la maestra está aquí.
      Everyone behaves well when the teacher is here.
    3. comprar[kom-PRAR] verb to buy
      Se compra pan en la panadería.
      One buys bread at the bakery.
    4. the computer [kom-pu-ta-DO-ra] noun, fem. computer
      Do you have a computer?
      Do you have a computer?
    5. with [KON] preposition with
      I ride a bike with my cousin.
      I go bicycle riding with my cousin.
    6. the shell [KON-cha] noun, fem. shell
      Let's go to the beach to look for shells.
      Let's go to the beach to look for shells.
    7. the contest [kon-KUR-so] noun, masc. answered
      The contest is on Saturday from eight to twelve.
      The contest is Saturday from eight to twelve.
    8. drive [kon-du-SEER] verb to drive
      My father drives a bus.
      My father drives a bus.
    9. drive a planeverb to fly a plane
      The pilot drives the plane over the ocean.
      The pilot flies the plane over the ocean.
    10. the conductor [kon-duk-TOR] noun, masc. driver
      The truck driver is very careful.
      The truck driver is very careful.
    11. the rabbit [ko-NE-jo] noun, masc. rabbit
      The rabbit has pink eyes.
      The rabbit has pink eyes.
    12. the connection [co-nex-SYON] noun, fem. connection
      connect to the internet verb to connect online
      Connect to the internet and you can buy anything.
      Get online and you can buy anything.
    13. to know [ko-no-SER] verb to know, to be acquainted
      We know the city of Madrid.
      We know the city of Madrid.
    14. to know someoneverb to know someone
      I know Carmen.
      I know Carmen.
    15. the advisor [kon-se-JE-ro] noun, masc. counselor
      the counselor [kon-se-JE-ra] noun, fem.
      If you have a problem at school, see the counselor.
      If you have a problem in school, go see the counselor.
    16. it preserves it [kon-SER-ba] noun, fem. preserve, jam
      We like strawberry preserves on bread.
      We like strawberry jam on bread.

We like strawberry jam on bread.

    1. count [kon-TAR] verb to count, to tell
      Children can count to one hundred.
      The children can count to one hundred.
    2. happy [kon-TEN-to] adjective, masc. happy
      contenta [kon-TEN-ta] fem.
      The students are happy because they go to the park.
      The pupils are happy because they are going to the park.
    3. continue [kon-tee-NUAR] verb to continue
      The story continues on the next page.
      The story continues on the next page.
    4. the copier [ko-peea-DO-ra] noun, fem. copier
      This copier makes one hundred copies in one minute.
      This copier makes a hundred copies in one minute.
    5. copy [ko-PEEAR] verb to copy
      Copy the work from the board.
      We have to copy the work from the board.
    6. the heart [ko-ra-SON] noun, masc. heart
      José has a strong heart.
      Joe has a strong heart.
    7. the cord [kor-DON] noun, masc. string
      The kite cord is long.
      The kite's string is long.

The kite's string is long.

    1. correct [ko-RREK-to] adjective, masc. correct, right
      correct [ko-RREK-ta] fem.
      The sentences are correct.
      The sentences are correct.
    2. correct [ko-rre-JEER] verb to correct
      Teachers correct class work.
      The teachers correct the class work.
    3. the mail [ko-RRE-o] noun, masc. post office, mail
      Enrique goes to the post office to post his letters.
      Henry goes to the post office to mail the letters.
    4. the email [ko-RRE-o e-lek-TRO-ni-co] noun, masc. e-mail
      Can the patient communicate with the doctor by email?
      Can the patient contact the doctor by e-mail?
    5. run [ko-RRER] verb to run
      Boys are running on the playground.
      The boys run in the playground.
    6. cut [kor-TAR] verb to cut
      The lord cuts the grass.
      The man cuts the grass.
    7. courteous [kor-TES] adjective
      courteous , polite Alberto is very courteous to teachers.
      Albert is very polite with teachers.
    8. the curtain [kor-TEE-na] noun, fem. curtain
      The curtains in my bedroom are white.
      The curtains in my bedroom are white.
    9. sew [ko-SER] verb to sew
      My aunt sews my pants.
      My aunt is sewing my pants.

My aunt is sewing my pants.

  1. el costal [kos-TAL] noun, masc. sack (bag)
    We are going to buy a sack of fruit.
    Let's buy a sack of fruit.
  2. costar [kos-TAR] verb to cost
    Clothes cost a lot.
    Clothes cost a lot.
  3. grow [kre-SER] verb to grow
    Some children grow very fast.
    Some children grow very fast.
  4. believe [kre-ER] verb to believe
    I don't believe that story.
    I don't believe that story.
  5. the maid [kree-A-da] noun, fem. maid
    The maid irons the clothes.
    The maid irons the clothes.
  6. cross [kru-ZAR] verb to cross
    Juan and Enrique cross the street carefully.
    John and Henry cross the street carefully.
  7. the notebook [kua-DER-no] noun, masc. notebook
    Each student has a notebook.
    Each pupil has a notebook.
  8. the box [KUA-dro] noun, masc. picture, painting
    There are four cats in the painting.
    There are four cats in the picture.
  9. any [kual-KYER] adjective, masc. any
    any fem.
    Come any day of the week.
    Come over any day of the week.
  10. when [KUAN-do] adverb when
    When my cousins ​​are at home, we play baseball.
    When my cousins ​​are home, we play baseball.
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