Spanish Translation to English

We are a leading translation services provider in London, UK and specialists of Spanish to English translation . Below we have selected and translated 77 common Spanish words. We have also used them in sentences, to provide a better understanding about how you can use these words. We hope you like our collection of Accurate Spanish translation .

    1. architecture [ar-kee-tek-TOO-ra] noun, fem. architecture
      Architecture is the technique and art used in all construction.
      Architecture is the technique and art used in all construction.
    2. arrancar (se) [a-rran-KAR-se] verb to take out, pull out
      The truck pulls up the tree.
      The truck pulls the tree out.
    3. drag [a-rras-TRAR] verb to drag
      David drags a sack.
      David drags a sack.
    4. fix [a-rre-GLAR] verb to arrange, to repair
      The worker fixes the machine.
      The worker repairs the machine.
    5. arrest [a-rres-TAR] verb to arrest
      Police arrest thieves.
      The policeman arrests the robbers.
    6. upstairs [a-RREE-ba] adverb upstairs
      My bedroom is upstairs.
      My bedroom is upstairs.
    7. Up! [a-RREE-ba] idiomatic expression Hurray!
      Players up!
      Hurray for the players!

Hurray for the players!

    1. roll [a-rro-LYAR, a-rro-YAR] verb to roll
      The boys roll the newspapers.
      The boys are rolling the newspapers.
    2. el arroz[a-ROS] noun, masc. rice
      Me gusta el arroz con pollo.
      I like rice with chicken.
    3. el artista[ar-TEES-tah] noun artist
      Ese artista exhibe sus pinturas en los museos de Barcelona.
      That artist exhibits his paintings in the Barcelona museums.
    4. así[a-SEE] adverb this way, so
      Así comen los españoles.
      The Spanish eat this way.
    5. el asiento[a-SYEN-to] noun, masc. seat
      Este asiento es para usted.
      This seat is for you.
    6. asistir[a-sees-TEER] verb to attend
      Los padres asisten a las reuniones de la escuela.
      The parents attend the school meetings.
    7. la aspiradora [as-pee-ra-DO-ra] noun, fem. vacuum cleaner
      La aspiradora limpia la alfombra.
      The vacuum cleaner cleans the rug.
    8. el astronauta[as-tro-NAU-ta] noun, masc. astronaut
      El astronauta es muy valiente.
      The astronaut is very courageous.
    9. astuto[as-TU-to] adjective, masc. cunning, astute
      astuta[as-TU-ta] fem.
      Es un hombre astuto.
      He is a cunning man.
    10. atreverse[a-tre-BER-se] verb to dare
      ¿Quién se atreve a subir el árbol?
      Who dares to climb the tree?
    11. ausente[au-SEN-te] adjective absent
      ¿Quién está ausente hoy?
      Who is absent today?
    12. el autobús [au-to-BUS] noun, masc. bus
      Rafael toma el autobús a las siete de la mañana.
      Ralph takes the bus at seven A.M.
    13. el automóvil[au-to-MO-beel] noun, masc. automobile
      Acaban de comprar un automóvil.
      They have just bought an automobile.
    14. la avenida [a-be-NEE-da] noun, fem. avenue
      El edificio está cerca de la avenida Bolívar.
      The building is near Bolivar Avenue.
    15. la aventura [a-ben-TU-ra] noun, fem. adventure
      María cuenta su aventura.
      Mary is telling her adventure.
    16. avergonzarse [a-ber-gon-SAR-se] verb to be ashamed
      Se avergüenza cuando no hace la tarea.
      He is ashamed when he does not do his homework.
    17. el avión[a-BEEON] noun, masc. plane
      El avión se despega del aeropuerto.
      The plane takes off from the airport.

The plane takes off from the airport.

    1. el avión a chorro[a-BEEON-a-CHO-rro] noun, masc. jet airplane
      El avión a chorro es muy rápido.
      The jet airplane is very rapid.
    2. ¡ay! [AEE] interjection Oh!
      ¡Ay! La hora llega.
      Oh! The hour is here.
    3. ayer [a-YER] adverb yesterday
      En el refrigerador hay comida de ayer.
      There is food from yesterday in the refrigerator.
    4. ayudar [a-yu-DAR] verb to help
      Los señores en la ambulancia van a ayudar.
      The men in the ambulance are going to help.
    5. el azúcar[a-SU-car] noun, masc. sugar
      El azúcar es dulce.
      Sugar is sweet.
    6. azul[a-SUL] adjective blue
      A veces el cielo está azul.
      Sometimes the sky is blue.
    7. bailar[baee-LAR] verb to dance
      Me gusta bailar.
      I like to dance.
    8. bajar[ba-JAR] verb to go down
      Ellos bajan por la escalera.
      They go down the stairway.
    9. bajo[BA-jo] adjective, masc. low
      baja[BA-ja] fem.
      El techo es bajo.
      The roof is low.
    10. la bandera [ban-DE-ra] noun, fem. flag
      ¿Cómo es la bandera de tu país?
      What is your country’s flag like?
    11. bañarse[ba-NYAR-se] verb to take a bath
      En casa nos bañamos por la noche.
      At home we take a bath at night.
    12. el baño[BA-nyo] noun, masc. bath, restroom
      Ella está en el baño ahora.
      She is in the bath now.
    13. el baño de sol[BA-nyo-de-SOL] noun, masc. sunbath
      Juanita toma un baño de sol en el patio.
      Juanita takes a sunbath on the patio.
    14. barato[ba-RA-to] adjective, masc. cheap
      barata[ba-RA-ta] fem.
      Es un juguete barato.
      It is a cheap toy.
    15. la barba [BAR-ba] noun, fem. beard, chin
      Santa Claus tiene una barba blanca.
      Santa Claus has a white beard.

Santa Claus has a white beard.

    1. el barco[BAR-co] noun, masc. boat
      Ellos pasean en el barco.
      They take a ride in the boat.
    2. basketball [BAS-ket-bol] noun, masc. basketball
      My brother likes to play basketball.
      My brother likes to play basketball.
    3. the baby [be-BE] noun, masc. baby
      My aunt's baby is happy.
      My aunt's baby is happy.
    4. drink [be-BER] verb to drink
      The girl drinks milk.
      The girl drinks milk.
    5. the drink [be-BEE-da] noun, fem. drink
      I'm thirsty. Let's go buy a drink.
      I'm thirsty. Let's buy a drink.
    6. baseball [BAYS-bol] noun, masc. baseball
      Baseball is my favorite sport.
      Baseball is my favorite sport.
    7. beautiful [BE-lyo, BE-yo] adjective, masc. beautiful
      bella [BE-lya, BE-ya] fem.
      The garden is beautiful.
      The garden is beautiful.
    8. the kiss [BE-so] noun, masc. kiss
      The mother gives the son a kiss.
      The mother gives her son a kiss.
    9. the library [bee-bleeo-TE-ka] noun, fem. library
      In the library there are books of all kinds.
      There are all kinds of books in the library.
    10. the bicycle [bee-see-KLE-ta] noun, fem. bicycle
      The bicycle has two wheels.
      The bicycle has two wheels.
    11. okay [BYEN] adjective all right, ok
      Okay! Juan can play.
      It's all right. Juan can play.
    12. good [BYEN] adverb well
      Jorge writes well.
      George writes well.
    13. well done [BYEN-E-cho] adverb Well done!
      The job is well done.
      The work is well done.
    14. el steak [bees-TEK] noun, masc. beefsteak He
      always orders a steak at the restaurant.
      He always orders a beefsteak in the restaurant.
    15. white [BLAN-ko] adjective, masc. white
      white [BLAN-ka] fem.
      The car is white.
      The car is white.

The car is white.

    1. the mouth [BO-ka] noun, fem. mouth
      You eat with your mouth.
      You eat with your mouth.
    2. the ticket [bo-LE-to] noun, masc. ticket
      Do you have a ticket?
      Do you have a ticket?
    3. the bag [BOL-sa] noun, fem. purse, pocket
      The lady puts the money in the bag.
      The lady puts the money in her purse.
    4. the handbag [BOL-sa-de-MA-no] noun, fem. handbag
      Your handbag is in the closet.
      Her handbag is in the closet.
    5. the pen [bo-LI-gra-fo] noun, masc. ballpoint pen
      Luis has a pen in his pocket.
      Luis has a ballpoint pen in his pocket.
    6. the pocket [bowl-SEE-lyo, bowl-SEE-yo] noun, masc. pocket
      There is a pocket inside the bag.
      There is a pocket inside the coat (jacket).
    7. the fireman [bom-BE-ro] noun, masc. fireman
      The fireman is strong.
      The fireman is strong.
    8. nice [bo-NEE-to] adjective, masc. pretty
      pretty [bo-NEE-ta] fem.
      The dress is very pretty.
      The dress is very pretty.
    9. the draft [bo-rra-DOR] noun, masc. eraser
      The pencil eraser is made of rubber.
      The pencil eraser is made of rubber.
    10. erase [bo-RRAR] verb to erase
      The teacher erases the board.
      The teacher erases the chalkboard.
    11. the forest [BOS-ke] noun, masc. forest
      There are many trees in the forest.
      There are many trees in the forest.
    12. the bottle [bo-TE-lya, bo-TE-ya] noun, fem. bottle
      The water bottle is in the refrigerator.
      The bottle of water is in the refrigerator.
    13. la apothecary [bo-TEE-ka] noun, fem. drugstore
      The lady goes to the pharmacy to buy medicine.
      The lady goes to the drugstore to buy medicine.
    14. the button [bo-TON] noun, masc. button
      The jacket has a large button.
      The coat (jacket) has a large button.
    15. Bravo! [BRA-bo] interjection Hurray!
      Bravo! He just got a good grade.
      Hurray! He just got a good grade.
    16. jump [breen-KAR] verb to jump
      We don't jump in the classroom.
      We do not jump in the classroom.
    17. jump rope [breen-KAR-la-CUER-da] idiomatic expression to jump rope
      We like to jump rope.
      We like to jump rope.
    18. Good luck [bue-na-SUER-te] idiomatic expression Good luck!
      When the game starts, everyone says "Good luck!"
      When the game begins, everyone says "Good luck!"
    19. Good afternoon [good afternoon, good evening] Idiomatic expression Good afternoon, Good evening
      The children say to the teacher "Good afternoon."
      The children say "Good afternoon" to the teacher.
    20. Good morning [good-we-DEE-as] idiomatic expression Good morning
      When we wake up we say "Good morning."
      When we wake up, we say "Good morning."
    21. el boulevard [bu-le-VAR] noun, masc. boulevard
      The parade is on the boulevard of San Miguel.
      The parade is on St. Michael's Boulevard.
    22. the ship [BU-ke] noun, masc. ship
      The ship crosses the ocean.
      The ship crosses the ocean.

The ship crosses the ocean.

  1. the donkey [BU-rro] noun, masc. donkey
    The donkey is a good worker.
    The donkey is a good worker.
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