Italian food & menu translation services

Translation of food and related sciences need highly experienced translators who understand the food terminology and the fooding industry very well. As quality control, environment and ethical considerations play an important in production and distribution in the food and related industries, it is important to team up with only the best translators. Non compliance in matters related to food, health and safety information will not just lead to severe penalties, but can have a severe detrimental impact on the global reputation of your brand as well. Our professional team of Italian food translators have in depth knowledge of the food sector. With years of experience they have gathered the necessary skill to deliver not just fast and accurate food translations, but translations that also appeal to the target audience.

We provide high quality, 100% accurate translation services from Italian to other languages and from other languages into Italian, at very affordable rates. Languages for which we provide Italian translation services includes all major languages such as ArabicChinese, Dutch, English, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu and a number of other languages as well. Our special team of Fench translators consists of native speaking Fench translation experts, who specialize in various industries and have years of experience providing translation services.

We are a leading translation company in London, UK. In addition to Italian food translation services, we also provide certified translation servicesdocument translation servicesinterpreting serviceslegal translationsubtitling servicestechnical translations and website translation services as well.

The following list has Italian to English translation of many common words about food.

Italian Language English Language
il cibo Food
la carne Meat
l'agnello lamb
il macellaio butcher
il gancio meat hook
l'affilacoltelli knife sharpener
la bilancia scales
la pancetta bacon
le salsicce sausages
il fegato liver
il maiale pork
il cervo venison
la carne cotta cooked meat
il manzo beef
il coniglio rabbit
affumicato smoked
biologico organic
la carne bianca white meat
il vitello veal
la lingua tongue
trattato cured
la carne magra lean meat
la carne rossa red meat
Italian Language English Language
i tagli Cuts
il prosciutto ham
la cotenna rind
la fetta slice
la carne macinata ground meat
il filetto fillet
la bistecca di culaccio rump steak
il filetto di manzo sirloin steak
la costata rib
la costoletta chop
il grasso fat
l'osso bone
l'arrosto joint
il rognone kidney
il cuore heart
Italian Language English Language
il pollo Poultry
la pelle skin
il petto breast
la coscia thigh
il tacchino turkey
la zampa leg
la quaglia quail
il fagiano pheasant
il pollo preparato dressed chicken
l'ala wing
il pollo chicken
l'anatra duck
l'oca goose
Italian Language English Language
il pesce Fish
la pescheria fish counter
La pescheria Italian translation of Fish counter
i gamberi sgusciati peeled shrimp
la triglia red mullet
i filetti di ippoglosso halibut fillets
la trota rainbow trout
la rana pescatrice monkfish
lo sgombro mackerel
la trota trout
il pesce spada swordfish
la sogliola Dover sole
la sogliola limanda lemon sole
l'eglefino haddock
la sardina sardine
la razza skate
il merlango whiting
la spigola sea bass
il salmone salmon
il merluzzo cod
l’abramide sea bream
il tonno tuna
Italian Language English Language
i frutti di mare Seafood
il pettine scallop
il granchio crab
l’aragosta lobster
L aragosta Italian translation of Lobster
il gambero jumbo shrimp
la cozza mussel
l'ostrica oyster
il cannolicchio razorshell clam
il gambero d'acqua dolce crayfish
il cardio cockle
il polpo octopus
la seppia cuttlefish
il calamaro squid
la vongola clam
congelato frozen
salato salted
affumicato smoked
il lombo loin
la coda tail
la spina bone
la squama scale
fresco fresh
pulito cleaned
spellato skinned
spinato boned
a filetti filleted
la trancia steak
Italian Language English Language
la verdura Vegetables
la fava fava bean
il seme seed
il fagiolino green bean
il pisello pea
il granturco corn
il germoglio di soia bean sprout
il bambù bamboo
l’okra okra
la cicoria chicory
il finocchio fennel
i cuori di palma palm hearts
il sedano celery
la foglia leaf
il germoglio floret
lo stelo stalk
il nocciolo kernel
la rucola arugula
il crescione watercress
il radicchio radicchio
il cavolino di Bruxelles Brussels sprouts
la bietola Swiss chard
il cavolo verde kale
l'acetosa sorrel
l'indivia endive
il dente di leone dandelion
gli spinaci spinach
il cavolo rapa kohlrabl
la bieta bok choy
la lattuga lettuce
il broccolo broccoli
El brocoli Italian translation of Broccoli
il cavolo cabbage
la verza greens
il carciofo artichoke
il cavolfiore cauliflower
la patata potato
la cipolla onion
il peperone sweet pepper
il peperoncino chilli pepper
la zucca squash
la rapa turnip
il ravanello radish
il pomodorino cherry tomato
la carota carrot
la radice di taro taro root
il frutto dell’albero del pane breadfruit
la cassava cassava
la patata novella new potato
la castagna d’acqua water chestnut
la patata dolce sweet potato
l’igname yam
la barbabietola beet
la rapa svedese rutabaga
il topinambur jerusalem artichoke
il rafano horseradish
la pastinaca parsnip
lo zenzero ginger
la melanzana eggplant
il pomodoro tomato
la cipollina green onion
il porro leek
lo scalogno shallot
l’aglio garlic
il fungo mushroom
il cetriolo cucumber
la zucchina zucchini
la zucca butternut squash
la zucca a ghianda acorn squash
la zucca pumpkin
Italian Language English Language
la frutta Fruits
il mango mango
l'avocado avocado
la pesca peach
il kiwi kiwi fruit
l'ananas pineapple
la papaia papaya
il litchi lychee
l’alchechengi cape gooseberry
la mela cotogna quince
il frutto della passione passion fruit
la banana banana
la guaiava guava
il melograno pomegranate
il cachi persimmon
il feijoa feijoa
il fico d'india prickly pear
la carambola starfruit
la mangostina mangosteem
Citrus fruits
Italian Language English Language
gli agrumi Citrus fruits
l'arancio orange
la clementina clementine
il mapo ugli fruit
il pompelmo grapefruit
il mandarino tangerine
il satsuma satsuma
la limetta lime
il limone lemon
l’arancino cinese kumquat
Stone fruits
Italian Language English Language
les fruits à noyau Stone fruits
la pesca peach
la pesca noce nectarine
l'albicocca apricot
la prugna plum
la ciliegia cherry
la mela apple
la pera pear
Berries and Melons
Italian Language English Language
i frutti di bosco e i meloni Berries and Melons
la fragola strawberry
il lampone raspberry
la mora blackberry
il ribes rosso red currant
l’ossicocco cranberry
il ribes nero black currant
il mirtillo blueberry
la mora-lampone loganberry
l'uva spina gooseberry
il ribes bianco white currant
il melone melon
l'uva grapes
Luva Italian translation of Grapes
l'anguria watermelon
Nuts and Dried fruits
Italian Language English Language
le noci e la frutta secca Nuts and Dried fruits
il pinolo pine nut
il pistacchio pistachio
l'anacardio cashew
l'arachide peanut
la nocciola hazelnut
la mandorla brasiliana Brazil nut
il pecan pecan
la mandorla almond
La mandorla Italian translation of Almond
la noce walnut
la castagna chestnut
la macadamia macadamia
il fico fig
il dattero date
la prugna secca prune
l'uva sultanina seedless raisin
l'uvetta raisin
l'uva passa currant
la noce di cocco coconut
La noce di cocco Italian translation of Coconut
arrostito roasted
il nocciolo kernel
la frutta candita candied fruit
la frutta tropicale tropical fruit

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