French Legal Translation Experts (includes French to English translation of some common terms used in Law)

We translate all specialisms of law, including, but not limited to, insurance law, employment law, civil law, criminal law and commercial law. We translate contracts, articles of association, case bundles, witness statements and all other related texts. Our team of French legal experts, who have been working in this field for years, carry out a thorough and scrupulous process to ensure accuracy in providing exactly what you require.

French Legal Translation

Clarity and precision is of utmost importance when translating legal documents as a trivial mistake can lead to major consequences. We understand the importance of accuracy and the sensitive nature required when translating any documents for use in legal disputes, litigation, criminal proceedings and arbitration.

About French Language

The French language is a widely spoken Romance language which belongs to the the Indo-European family of languages, which is one of the world’s primary language families. It is the official of 29 independent countries which are, Africa, France, Canada, Madagascar, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Chad, Guinea, Rwanda, Belgium, Burundi, Benin, Haiti, Switzerland, Togo, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Comoros, Luxembourg, Vanuatu, Seychelles and Monaco.

Below are French to English translations of some common terms used in Law.

French Language English Language
Le droit Law
le temoin witness
le juge judge
l’avocat lawyer
le jury jury
le banc des jures jury box
la salle de tribunal courtroom
l’accusation prosecution
l’accuse defendant
la defense defense
le gardien de prison prison guard
le suspect suspect
le criminel criminal
le portrait-robot facial composite
le casier judiciaire criminal record
la cellule cell
le cabinet lawyer’s office
l’assignation summons
l’acte judiciaire writ
la cause court case
le conseil juridique legal advice
la deposition statement
la date du proces court date
l’accusation charge
le client client
le mandat warrant
le plaidoyer plea
l’accuse accused
le verdict verdict
innocent innocent
coupable guilty
acquitte acquitted
la prison prison
la caution bail
la condamnation sentence
la preuve evidence
l’appel appeal
la liberte conditionnelle parole
Je voudrais voir un avocat. I want to see a lawyer.
Ou est le palais de justice? Where is the courthouse?
Est-ce que je peux verser la caution? Can I post bail?
la police Police
le badge badge
l’uniforme uniform
le pistolet gun
la matraque nightstick
les menottes handcuffs
le policier police officer
la voiture de police police car
la sirene siren
les feux lights
le poste de police police station
l’inspecteur inspector
le cambriolage burglary
la plainte complaint
l’arrestation arrest
l’officier de police detective
l’agression assault
l’enquete investigation
la cellule cell
le crime crime
les empreintes fingerprint
le suspect suspect
l’accusation charge
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